See the web of the world, and the warp and the weft of that web.
Texere is home to a network of websites that showcase the breadth and depth of Humanities research conducted by faculty of the School of English, Drama and Film at University College Dublin.

Welcome to Texere
There is a long tradition of using images of weaving as metaphors for writing and the creative arts. We speak of narrative threads, of spinning a yarn, or weaving a story. These are images which help us to appreciate the connective work that literature, theatre and film performs, the ways in which stories create patterns and meaning out of chaos and confusion. Texere, the Latin verb for weaving, from which are derived the words text, texture and textile, is the name we have chosen for the digital hub for the research activities of UCD School of English, Drama and Film. Begin with one thread – a podcast, a seminar, or a paper – and, through this hub, you will find your own ways of connecting with our research stories.
Professor John Brannigan
Head of School of English, Drama & Film, University College Dublin
"Moment by moment throughout our lifetime, our brains hum with the work of making meaning: weaving together many thousands of threads of information into all manner of thoughts, feelings, memories, and ideas."
At The School of English, Drama and Film in UCD we understand the value and impact of research in the humanities, and the important role it plays in creating a better society, which is the basis of our long-established reputation for research excellence. We fulfil the core vision of UCD, to be a ‘research-intensive university with global standing and impact where a preeminent, diverse and inclusive scholarly community of students, faculty and staff work in partnership to contribute to the development of Ireland and the world.’ Texere is a digital extension of this ethos and we invite you to use this resource to explore the rich tapestry of research activities that take place in the School.
Our projects page includes School research projects that have a digital presence of some kind, either through the online dissemination of research via text, images and other media, or through the use of technology to enhance research methods. You can explore new and existing projects at the links below.
Project Spotlight
Nonhuman Animals
in the Age of Extinction and Mass Production
A critical examination of the paradoxical situation of nonhuman animal life in the age of mass extinction and mass production. This interdisciplinary Animal Studies & Environmental Humanities conference will be hosted online on 16 May 2024 and in person at the UCD Science Hub on 17 May 2024
Contact Us
If you have any questions or queries about Texere, please feel free to contact us using the form below.