Cultural Imaginaries of just Transitions
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The Unnatural History Museum
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Nonhuman Animals in the Age of Extinction and Mass Production
Nonhuman Animals in the Age of Extinction and Mass Production will critically examine the paradoxical situation of nonhuman animal life in an […]
Post-extractivist legacies and landscapes: Humanities, artistic and activist responses
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet cursus nisi. Sed nec eros eget sapien facilisis egestas. Praesent malesuada […]
Environmental Humanities
In an era of climate emergency, questions relating to food, energy, water, land, and environment have become ever more urgent, as humans […]
Empires & Ecologies
Responding to scholarship that has emphasised the ecological consequences of the long histories of empire and how, in turn, empires are shaped […]