

The information below is community-sourced from our membership. It is intended to help any of our members looking for information related to transness in Ireland or searching for resources as a trans person in Irish higher education and beyond. If you have a suggested organisation or resource you think should be on this list, let us know at transresearchireland@gmail.com. We especially welcome resources in or related to Irish language work. 


Small Trans Library: A community-run lending library, with associated events and a mutual aid fund. The Small Trans Library events are an excellent place for community connection, and the Small Trans Film Club in Dublin runs monthly.

Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI): TENI is a non-profit organisation involved in long-term strategic promotion of the equality and well-being of trans people in Ireland.

Trans Harm Reduction: A volunteer-run grassroots organisation in Ireland and Scotland that helps trans community members who are self-medicating. Trans Harm Reduction can also provide information on helpful GPs.

Other Resources

Best Practices for Gender Inclusion in Research by Dr. Hil Malatino and Lars Stoltzfus-Brown: Strategies for inclusive language and research design, published by Penn State University in 2020.

English-Irish LGBTQ+ Dictionary: Created by TENI and BelongTo

Resource Guide for Safeguarding, Supporting, and Supervising Gender Minority Students in Institutes of Higher Education: Created by RCSI, TENI, and National LGBT Federation

Future Resources

As our network builds, we hope to be able to provide information regarding safe advocates based at Irish universities who are willing to provide support for trans students and colleagues. If you are interested in being privately designated as one such advocate, please contact us at transresearchireland@gmail.com. If you are hoping to find one such advocate, reach out to us at the same email.