The Trans* Research Association of Ireland
The Trans Research Association of Ireland (TRAI) is an interdisciplinary research network for trans researchers in Ireland, researchers who work with Irish transness, and trans Irish researchers at home and abroad. It seeks to provide a nexus of connection for dissemination and collaboration in an under-researched field, as well as support and resources that may be helpful to members of the research network.
Established in 2023, TRAI is based at the University College Dublin School of English, Drama and Film. It is funded in part by UCD College of Arts and Humanities seed funding.
A space for trans* research in and on Ireland
Ireland occupies a particular space in the context of transness. While Ireland has meaningful gender recognition legislation based on the principle of self-declaration, Ireland also has the most inaccessible gender-affirming healthcare in Europe, with waitlists of over 10 years for adults and no service provision for young people and children. In response, many Irish trans people DIY their healthcare and foster exciting, vital and generative community responses to the deeply political gatekeeping organised by the Irish State. Additionally, Ireland’s gender and sexual politics exist in the aftermath of British colonial rule and have been shaped by the enmeshment between the Irish State and the Catholic Church. Moreover, like many trans people throughout the world, Irish trans people continue to attempt to negotiate their lifeworlds in response to an increasingly hostile socio-political landscape defined by apathy and neoliberalism.
We believe that Irish specific research has important insights to contribute regarding how transness is conceptualised internationally and can meaningfully participate in the emergent and flourishing conversation regarding trans scholarship.
Network Leadership

Taylor Follett
Chairperson & Founder
PhD Candidate in English, University College Dublin

Robin Steve
Vice Chairperson
PhD Student in Creative Writing, University College Dublin

Dr Matty Kennedy
Outreach Manager
Research Fellow, Winchester School of Art, University of Southhampton
Anyone is welcome to join TRAI in good faith, regardless of research affiliation or university level.
Masking & Covid Safety:
We require that all attendees at TRAI events who are able to wear a mask during the event do so, in solidarity with our immunocompromised and vulnerable members and guests. Any well-fitting FFP2 or FFP3 mask is acceptable, and more information on safe masking can be found here. We will also provide masks at events.
Please test before attending public events, and stay home if you are experiencing any new symptoms.
Our speakers will remain unmasked while talking for audibility and to allow for lip-reading access.