Statement of Solidarity with Palestine

TRAI stands in unequivocal solidarity with the people of Palestine and supports their struggle for liberation, equality, justice, and freedom. We are horrified by the genocide the State of Israel is committing on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and call for its immediate end.

Long before the current tragic events, the State of Israel, supported by Western powers, began an ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Between 1947 and 1949 there was a brutal and organised displacement and killing of indigenous Palestinians. During the Nakba, in 1948, Israel violently displaced more than 750,000 Palestinian people from their homeland, massacred hundreds of Palestinians, and depopulated around 400 Palestinian Arab towns and villages.

Israel has been maintaining a regime of settler colonialism, apartheid, and occupation over the Palestinian people for more than 75 years. Since October 7th more than 35,000 Palestinian people have been killed. We condemn the ongoing genocide Israel is committing and call for an immediate ceasefire and the restitution of their land to the Palestinians.

The Palestinian people have been resisting against settler colonialism for more than one hundred years. We uphold their right to resistance, self-determination, and return to their land. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and with students worldwide protesting in support of Palestine and calling for universities to divest from Israeli companies and stop funding the genocide.

We call on universities across Ireland and worldwide to:

­– call for an immediate ceasefire

– condemn the ongoing genocide on the Palestinian people

– divest from any investment in Israeli companies

– sever any ties with Israeli institutions and do not commit to new ones

– adopt a boycott, divest, sanction policy all across their campus

– create new academic pathways for Palestinian academics, amplify Palestinian voices in university curricula, and establish partnerships with Palestinian universities

Listed below are some sources and places to donate and keep updated. This is a growing list, if there is a source that you think should be included, just send us an email

Academics for Palestine:

Genocide in Gaza: Analysis of International Law and its Application to Israel’s Military Actions since October 7, 2023

Anatomy of a Genocide (Francesca Albanese, special rapporteur)

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 (Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies):

The Palestinian Struggle is a Decolonial Pedagogical Project (Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores):

Palestine Speaks for Everyone (Jodi Dean):

On Palestinian and Other Resistance In Times of Catastrophe – a Talk by Andreas Malm:

Verso Books Palestine Uncensored series:

alQaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society

Pinkwashing Exposed (Dean Spade) – a documentary on “anti-pinkwashing and Palestine solidarity activism in Seattle”:

The Palestine Project:

Decolonize Palestine:

Nakba Archive:

Latest updates:

List of Palestine gofundmes:

Donate for water access in Gaza:

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