Texere (Latin; verb) > to weave, or to construct with elaborate care
"The world is full of magic things...
At their most fundamental and enduring, the humanities provide basic and in-depth insights into the ongoing challenges faced by our society, through the knowledge of past challenges and the diverse responses they have engendered, and through the ability to imagine alternative futures. The humanities teach us, for example, that the history of tradition is itself a history of innovation, and that the most enduring innovations are produced by those who have the capacity for both a forward and backward look. The humanities provide rich comparative transcultural perspectives, the absence of which can impoverish and endanger our societies, and the humanities offer also the opportunity to learn from past failures and successes, through close-up studies of our creativity and adaptation, resistance and survival.

...patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper"
Developments in the digital sphere offer rich opportunities to humanities researchers, to deploy new technological modes and to operate at new scales of enquiry. We see the fruition of these methods in the collaborative and dynamic digital platforms of MoLI, the advanced computational approaches and rich research ecosystem of The UCD Centre for Cultural Analytics and the small glalaxy of projects within the school which utilise a wide range of digital and media technologies to enrich research and engage students, academia and the public. Texere exists to further weave together the analogue and the digital, the established and the innovative, and to support and prompt new forms of creative and critical humanities research.
"Studying English at UCD has empowered me to develop a profound understanding and appreciation of literature"
– Adesewa Awobadejo, former English BA Student
The School of English, Drama & Film at UCD
is Ireland’s largest and most diverse School devoted to the interpretation of literary, media, and performance cultures.
The School is dedicated to the research and teaching of literature, drama, culture, creative writing and screen studies in the English language, and to cultivating understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of diverse aesthetic forms in relation to diverse historical, social, cultural, political, linguistic, and ethical contexts.
As researchers, we are committed to conducting research and disseminating knowledge which adds to, and transforms, the inherited wisdom of our disciplines, and which informs public debate and cultural values. As educators, our mission is to foster the creative and critical talents of our students, and to enable them to contribute effectively to civic, cultural and professional life.